What We Offer

One-on-one spiritual mentorship

One-on-one spiritual mentoring is a collaborative interaction to assist believers in Christ in finding freedom from emotional and mental problems such as anxiety, depression, anger, PTSD, hurts or wounds from the past, or any other difficulties that block us from accessing the joy and blessings we are promised through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Through use of sound biblical principles, commitment, honesty before God and use of biblical tools provided in God’s Word for us to practically apply to our daily lives, believers can learn how to surrender through prayer in a way that few of us are taught.  The combination of repentant prayer and learning how to take our thoughts truly captive to Christ are the keys to allowing God to access the strongholds and struggles deep within us that block us from experiencing joy and freedom in Him.

Mentoring is not counseling and is not provided by a licensed counselor.  It is assistance provided to clients through teaching biblical steps to freedom in Christ and is both a cognitive/behavioral and spiritual approach which is unique to most Christian services.  Individual sessions can be weekly, every other week, or as determined by the client and spiritual coach.  There is no maximum or minimum number of sessions and meetings can vary from 45 minutes to 1 ½ hour sessions as appropriate or needed.  The initial consultation is free with a per session fee of $20 for any sessions after.  Scholarships are available if cost is prohibitive and Zoom meetings can be arranged if the client does not live in the West Michigan area.

Speaking Engagements

The biblical principles for freedom can be taught in group settings and speaking engagements.  We have presented at women’s conferences, retreats, and taught in adult Sunday classes in church.  Please contact us by phone at (616) 202-1124 or email at stage5ministry@gmail.com if interested in further information or bookings.

Church mentorship contracts

We are aware that many churches and ministries are overwhelmed with need for qualified assistance to their members who struggle with emotional and spiritual issues such as anxiety and depression.  If you are a church organization that is interested in partnering with this ministry to meet some of the needs of those in your church or ministry, please feel free to contact us by phone at (616) 202-1124 or email stage5ministry@gmail.com to start a conversation to see if Stage 5 ministry could be a resource for you.

International ministries

Spiritual warfare and freedom in Jesus Christ are universal truths.  We have had the privilege of presenting on these topics during men’s and women’s conferences in Zambia, Africa and would always be interested in other international opportunities.  If you are an international ministry that would be interested in partnering with Stage 5, please contact us by phone at (616) 202-1124 or email stage5ministry@gmail.com.